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Digital Satellite Receivers
We aim to provide you with all the information you need to know to get the most out of your digital satellite receiver, from choosing a set top box, to setting it up. The job a digital satellite receiver carries out involves taking in the data, which is supplied in binary code format, transmitted by the satellite, and converting it into images and sound.
Digital signals provide a far higher quality image than traditional analogue signals, and in addition to this, digital signals allow far more data to be sent at the same time, meaning more channels can be transmitted and received. This is why digital television is known for having such a vast array of channels in comparison to analogue television.
In addition to providing you more channels, digital satellite receivers enable something else that you cannot get via analogue television, they allow you to receive programme guides.
Along with the channel data being transmitted by the satellite to the receiver, you also get data which allows the receiver to create a programme guide. Having a programme guide means you don’t have to refer to newspapers or other media to find out what is showing. Programme guides offer a level of convenience that people require these days more than ever, and they have become a critical part of the digital television experience. Many people would feel lost without one. If you have any questions about Digital Satellite Receivers, please get in touch.
Digital Satellite Receivers
Welcome to the Digital Satellite Receivers website.
If you are considering getting into digital television, it is always a good idea to gather a little background information regarding digital satellite receivers. A digital satellite receiver is the device which decodes the information delivered by the satellites and converts it into a format that can be understood and displayed.
The data that satellites transmit is encoded to ensure that only paying customers are able to view it. Digital satellite receivers are therefore an essential component of a digital television system. Speak to our Digital Satellite Receivers experts to find out more.